Submissions of extented abstracts (4-5 pages)
due: January 15 22
Notification: February 12
Full paper submission due: To be announced
Original papers are solicited in all areas of Physics and Computation (and related fields). Typical, but not exclusive, topics are:
- Analogue computation
- Axiomatization of physics: completeness, decidability, reduction
- Church-Turing thesis
- Computing beyond the Turing barrier
- Digital physics
- Philosophy of physics (and computation)
- Quantum computation (digital, analogue); applications to Biology; Quantum logics
- Reaction-diffusion models of computation: including brain dynamics, BZ computers
- Relativity: spacetimes, computation, time travel, speedup
- Theory of measurement: axiomatization, complexity
All researchers in the area of the Workshop are kindly invited to submit their extended abstracts (4-5 pages) and / or papers (at most 12 pages) electronically, via Easychair. The submissions are expected to be in PDF format using the suitable class files of Springer LNCS. Joint submissions to other conferences are not permitted.
Each accepted paper must be presented at the Workshop.
Contributed papers will be selected from submissions received by the
- Andrew ADAMATZKY, University of West England
- Selim AKL, Queen's University, Canada
- Hajnal ANDREKA, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest
- Edwin BEGGS, University of Swansea
- Olivier BOURNEZ, École Polytechnique
- Dan BROWNE, University College London
- Cristian CALUDE, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Arturo CARSETTI, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- Barry COOPER, University of Leeds
- Bob COECKE, University of Oxford
- José Félix COSTA, Technical University of Lisbon
- Gilles DOWEK, École Polytechnique and INRIA
- Walid GOMAA, University of Alexandria
- Viv KENDON, University of Leeds
- Carlos LOURENÇO, University of Lisbon
- Judit MADARASZ, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest
- Yasser OMAR, Technical University of Lisbon
- Sonja SMETS, University of Groningen , Netherlands
- Mike STANNETT, University of Sheffield
- Karl SVOZIL, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Wien
- John V. TUCKER, University of Swansea
- Jiri WIEDERMANN, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic , Institute of Computer Science
- Karoline WIESNER, University of Bristol
- Martin ZIEGLER, University of Paderborn, Germany
- Hajnal ANDRÉKA , Gergely SZÉKELY, Judit X. MADARÁSZ, Istvan NÉMETI, and Péter NÉMETI, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences : Axiomatization of Physics in a logical framework
- Marco LANZAGORTA, Technical Fellow and Director of the Quantum Information Group at ITT Corporation: Quantum computation: computability and complexity
- Samson ABRAMSKY (Categorial Foundations of Computer Science and Physics), Oxford University
- Arturo CARSETTI (Philosophy of Science), University of Rome "Tor Vergata": The emergence of meaning at the co-evolutive level: An epistemological approach
- John CASE (Learning Theory), University of Delaware: Algorithmic Scientific Inference
- Gilles DOWEK (CT Thesis), École Polytechnique: The physical Church thesis as an explanation of the Galileo thesis
- Thomas JENNEWEIN (Quantum Computation), Institute for Quantum Computing , University of Waterloo: Teleportation Experiments
- Sonja SMETS (Quantum Logic), University of Groningen: Quantum logics
- Vlatko VEDRAL (Quantum computation), Universities of Oxford and Singapore: Can entanglement be considered a genuine order parameter?>/li>
- Salvador VENEGAS-ANDRACA (Quantum computation), Tecnológico de Monterrey: Adiabatic quantum computation and NP-completeness: quantum algorithms and massive simulation in classical computer clouds
2010: The wakening of the computer; «Which technological realizations make us feel closer to the HAL 9000 Computer?»
Selmer BRINGSJORD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), and David G. STORK, Chief Scientist of Ricoh Innovations